cordobaVia the A45 you can drive in two hours (208 km) through the olive tree orchards to the amazing old city Córdoba. Córdoba has multiple great sites you can visit among which:

  • the Puente Romano, a bridge that originates from the Roman era,
  • the Mezquita and
  • the Alcázar los Reyes Christianos.

The Alcázar is also known as the palace of royals and originates from the 14th century. It looks over the Guadalquivir. A lot of kings lived in this palace. The most famous couple who lived here is Isabella and Ferdinand, who met it the Alcázar Columbus. Nowadays the Alcázar los Reyes Christianos is a museum.


Mezquita CordobaBut the most impressive building of the city is the Mezquita. This is an enormous mosque with a cathedral in the center. A rare and amazing combination you have to see during your visit. It’s one of those places you can’t really comprehend until you’ve seen it with your own eyes. Like most palaces and other public buildings the Mezquita was build in the 8th century, after the Moors conquered the city. The buildings were made to compete with al the great pomp and circumstances of Constantinople, Bagdad and Damascus. This rivalry worked out for Córdoba, cause the whole district with the Mezquita as its masterpiece is now on the world heritage list of UNESCO.